DOUBLE R BOOKS - Publisher of books in paperback, hardcover, and ebook formats in the Disney themed genre.

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Newest Release

Nancy Temple Rodrigue, author of the Hidden Mickey and Hidden Mickey Adventures series released her newest book HIDDEN MICKEY 4.5: Unfinished Business-Wals at Disney's D-23 Expo in the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, California (across the street from the Disney Resort). Order your "Signed" copy today!
  "Hidden Mickey 4.5: Unfinished Business-Wals" - Hardcover


In The News


New Release

Double R Books Publishing joined forces with Ingram, the largest book distributor in the world.
All Hidden Mickey and Hidden Mickey Adventures series novels are available to Retailers, Libraries, and Schools in Hardcover and Paperback through INGRAM.

HIDDEN MICKEY 4.5: Unfinished Business - Wals The 5th book in the Hidden Mickey series by Nancy Temple Rodrigue.
The Official release was July 15, 2017, at Disney's D-23 Expo. Books are available in Hardcover, Paperback, and all eBook formats, order a 'Signed' copy of this book.

  "HIDDEN MICKEY ADVENTURES 5: When You Wish" the 5th novel in the Hidden Mickey Adventures series of action adventure Mystery novels about Walt Disney and Disneyland, age appropriate 9 and up.


Our Newest Releases


New Revised Release

Hidden Mickey 1: Sometimes Dead Men DO Tell Tales!
Hidden Mickey 2: It All Started...
Hidden Mickey 3: Wolf! The Legend of Tom Sawyer's island
Hidden Mickey 4: Wolf! Happily Ever After?
Hidden Mickey 4.5: Unfinished Business-Wals
Hidden Mickey Adventures 1: Peter and the Wolf
Hidden Mickey Adventures 2: Peter and the Missing Mansion
Hidden Mickey Adventures 3: The Mermaid's Tale
Hidden Mickey Adventures 4: Revenge of the Wolf
Hidden Mickey Adventures 5: When You Wish

  "Hidden Mickey 1: Sometimes Dead Men DO Tell Tales!" - Hardcover



Double R Books is a publisher of books in paperback, hardcover, and eBook formats, mainly in the Disney themed genre.

Double R Books in-print titles have worldwide book distribution in Barnes & Noble Bookstores, on, and many other retailers. Our eBook titles also have worldwide book distribution on, Barnes&, the Apple Bookstore, Kobo Books, Overdrive, and other many online bookstores.

Our Authors are provided with expert book publishing and book distribution services, with very fair royalties.

Double R Books Publishing is a member of Association of American Publishers with colleagues including Disney, Random House, Harpercollins, Harvard and Colombia University Press, and more.

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